Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ten on Ten ~ February

Image 1: Today was supposed to be the day one of Levi Potty Training Booty Camp... I had the M&M incentives ready for when he woke up, we started off strong, but it went downhill from there... it was officially cancelled after his afternoon nap when he woke up with an elevated temp... which by the next day turned into a fever and a dr. visit... Maybe we will try again in 2 weeks. It know it is a little early for him, but he might be ready... wouldn't that be nice

Image 2: Taking Scott to school... he goes to pre-school on MWF for the mornings and he loves it. He has great friends and I think he knows it is his special time out of the house. We have a routine of when we pull into the parking lot and get in the "valet" line, he can get out of his seat and come sit in the front seat with me and wait for his teacher to come get him... He thinks it is the coolest thing ever!

Image 3: This winter has been so weird... a snow here and there, but so much warmth! Today there were beautiful big white fluffy snowflakes. I took his as the snow was gathering on our front bushes.

Image 4: It was a crafting sort of day... here is me scrambling to put together over 60 valentines for all the school kids for Scott and Levi...

Image 5: Turns out this was the last smile I saw from Levi until Sunday... this is right before he laid down for his nap before the sickness got him..

Image 6: Thomas Who??? There has been a big change lately... Trains, who have been the dominate toy in the house for the past 2 years is starting to take back-seat to these guys... I'm happy for the break in trains, however, now it is all action packed and bouncing off walls.

Image 7: This snowy day is a perfect excuse for some warm apple cider!

Image 8: Scott, Levi and I doing a game of "match-match" aka Memory.

Image 9: The boys and I made this today to kick off Valentines Day weekend (mostly because we were bored stuck in the house between potty training and questioning this temp Levi woke up with).

Image 10: More crafting to be done as there is a party this weekend to celebrate my babies and their big birthdays!

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